Category: Mainframes

SORT Card to Convert FB to VB and VB to FB

Converting VB file to FB or FB file to VB format is a common requirement. JCL SORT utility has the FTOV & VTOF options to convert the datasets as reuired. Converting from FB to VB //STEP1 EXEC PGM=SORT //SYSOUT DD SYSOUT=* //SORTIN DD DSN=MHY.TEST.SORTIN,DISP=SHR //SORTOT DD DSN=MHY.TEST.VB.OUT,DISP=(NEW,CATLG,DELETE), // UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(CYL,(10,5),RLSE) Notes: No need to give any

COBOL Sample file Program – Sequential File Read

This sample program explains how to define a PS(Physical Sequential) File in different divisions and the steps to access it in the procedure division. Steps: Environment Division –> Input-Output Section –> File-Control . Here COBOL File name is given to the PS file and a linking between the cobol program and PS file is established.

Continue and Next Sentence in COBOL

Continue and Next Sentence in COBOL are No Operation statements which does nothing except to pass control to the statement after the scope terminators. But the difference is the place that it passes the control to. CONTINUE: Continue gives the control after the next explicit scope terminator. Explicit Scope terminators are END-IF, END-PERFORM, END-EVALUATE, etc.

DB2 Equivalent COBOL Data Types

As DB2/SQL and COBOL field declarations are different, It is important to have Equivalanet COBOL data types to the corresponding DB2 table columns in COBOL programs to process the data correctly. More importantly, the precompiler uses the equivalent SQL data types for the declared Host variables. So if the host variable declaration is not correct,

DBS Mainframes Interview Questions

These Questions were asked in the first round of Interviews for DBS, Hyderabad from Optimum solutions. How a transaction is defined in CICS? What is the use of TSQs & TDQs? What are the ways that a transaction can be auto-initiated? How to initiate a transaction using TDQ? Where does this need to be defined?

CICS RETURN with Examples

RETURN IN CICS is to return the control back to the next higher level which is either main program or CICS(Operating System).It is very useful in programs where there are sub programs involved in exchanging the data Or screens involved where there is a need to preserve the data and use it after the user


In JCL, SYSOUT is an Optional Keyword parameter that indicates that the dataset is a system output data set. Basically it assigns an output class to the SYSOUT dataset. As each class would be attached to a device to handle the output, the desired output would be routed to that device. Syntax: SYSOUT= { class