CICS Scrolling logic with examples

CICS scrolling logic looks very simple in algorithm representation but implementing it practically so many questions arises. This topic is to clear all the queries related to CICS scrolling (page Up / Down) logic with suitable examples. Let me give few basic points before getting into detailed implementation logic. Decide the number of rows(MAX-SCRN-SIZE) to

Online expediter commands – CICS

Below are the few online expeditor useful commands for basic debugging of a program. Expeditor Quick Reference → xpediter keep window size –  To increase or decrease the keep window size SET KEEP <n>                             n can be any number from 3

MDT and its usage in CICS with examples

Modified data Tag (MDT) is the most important feature in CICS programming consisting of MAPS. One who involves in CICS programming needs to know the importance of it for efficient coding. It is stored in 7th bit of a attribute byte of a screen field with either ‘0’(OFF) or ‘1’ (ON) as the values.(Every input