Modifying a MAP using SDF II in CICS
CICS MAP – adding a new field Step by step Procedure using SDF II:
SELECT AN SDF II FUNCTION 1 PANEL EDITOR Create or modify a panel 2 PANEL GROUP EDITOR Create or modify a panel group 3 PARTITION SET EDITOR Create or modify a partition set 4 AID TABLE EDITOR Create or modify an AID table 5 CONTROL TABLE EDITOR Create or modify an operator control table 6 GENERATE Generate control block source and data structure 7 LIST OBJECTS List objects in the library 8 SPECIFY LIBRARIES Access libraries 9 UTILITIES Print, migrate, convert, construct objects 10 PROFILE Modify editing defaults R REFERENCE Obtain SDF II online reference X EXIT Terminate SDF II dialog Use PFSHOW ON/OFF to show/hide program function key assignment
Step 1: Import the MAP from the production or any other region:
From Utilities, Enter into Migrate functionality which is used to import Objects from other region into test region. It is very iseful for the MAP modifications as the production map can be imported first and changes can be made on that.
SELECT A UTILITY 1 PRINT Print objects 2 MIGRATE Import objects from other products 3 CONVERT Create an object for other target environment 4 PRINT REFERENCE Print the online reference 5 CONSTRUCT Construct a panel 6 EXTRACT Extract panel data 7 MODIFY Modify a panel
SPECIFY MIGRATION UTILITY PARAMETERS Type of input TYPE . . . . . . . 1 1 - CICS/BMS macros 2 - IMS/MFS utility statements 3 - ISPF panel 4 - GDDM-IMD export data set 5 - CSP/AD export data set 6 - SDF/CICS dump data set 7 - External source format Source data set name SOURCE . . . . . . 'CMDS.MGR.MAPS(MAP001)' Target library LIBRARY . . . . . . 1 Copy library (IMS/MFS only) LIBRARY . . . . . . For existing objects specify OPTION . . . . . . 1 1 - Use alternate name automatically 2 - Specify option by object individually Skeleton NAME . . . . . . . Identify the name of a skeleton panel LIBRARY . . . . . .
Press ENTER to get that imported.
And the next displayed screen gives the message stating that migration is completed and in case of errors it shows them here it self.
LIST MIGRATION MESSAGES 0 errors detected during migration Print messages ? . . . N LIST OF MESSAGES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COLUMNS 1-2 OF 2, ROW 1 OF 4 MESSAGE# MESSAGE -------------------------------------------------------- ''' DGIUM251 Migration of MAP CMAP001 completed ''' DGIUM251 Migration of MAP SET MAP001 completed ''' END OF DATA ***************************************************************
With the above import, a MAP has been imported into test region and that can be edited as per the requirement.
Step 2: Editing The MAP :
Select Option 1 from the SDF main menu
SELECT AN SDF II FUNCTION 1 PANEL EDITOR Create or modify a panel 2 PANEL GROUP EDITOR 3 PARTITION SET EDITOR 4 AID TABLE EDITOR 5 CONTROL TABLE EDITOR 6 GENERATE Generate control block source and data structure 7 LIST OBJECTS List objects in the library 8 SPECIFY LIBRARIES Access libraries 9 UTILITIES Print, migrate, convert, construct objects 10 PROFILE Modify editing defaults R REFERENCE Obtain SDF II online reference X EXIT Terminate SDF II dialog Use PFSHOW ON/OFF to show/hide program function key assignment
Here in the next screen give the Map Name
IDENTIFY PANEL NAME . . . . . . . . CMAP001 LIBRARY . . . . . . . 1 When creating a new panel, identify the name of the skeleton panel NAME . . . . . . . . LIBRARY . . . . . . . When creating a new panel from scratch, identify the device type DEVICE TYPE . . . . .
Press ENTER and it shows the panel editor options.
SELECT A PANEL EDITOR DIALOG CMAP001 3278-3 1 CHARACTERISTICS Define panel characteristics 2 FORMAT Define the format of the panel 3 FIELDS Define the fields for the format 4 ATTRIBUTES Define the attributes for the format 5 STRUCTURE Define the data structure of the panel 6 SYSTEM Define target system dependent information 7 TEST Show panel in execution time format 8 INSTANCES Define the panel instances * FIELD EDITING Define field editing and verification rules
Option 1 from above screen gives an option to set the screen size.
DEFINE PANEL CHARACTERISTICS CMAP001 3278-3 Page 1 of 2 DESCRIPTION . . . BMS: MAP001 CMAP001 TARGET SYSTEM . . CICS/BMS Format size DEPTH . . . . . . 32 WIDTH . . . . . . 80 WINDOW WIDTH . . (ISPF only) HELP PANEL . . .
Step 3: Editing MAP fields.
OPTION 2 Allows the user to modify the screen. It is an editable screen and if any new field is required, it can be included using this option.
DEFINE FORMAT CMAP001 3278-3 FORMAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . POSITIONS 1-75 OF 80, LINE 1 OF 32 MARKS: V _ CO . SE | SP , CONTENTS: FORMAT 001 ______________________ .CUSTOMER.MAINTENANCE 002 EMP.NUM: (_____________ ) 003 ================================================================ 004 EMP.NAME: ( _________________________ ) TYPE: ( _ ) 005 ACCOUNT TYPE: ( _ ).( ____ ) START DATE: (_____________ ) 006 END.DATE: ( _ ).( ____ ) 007 LATEST TRANSACTIONS 012 ( ________________________________________________________________________ 013 ( ________________________________________________________________________ 014 ( ________________________________________________________________________ 015 ( ________________________________________________________________________ 023 ENTER=INQUIRY.PF1=HELP.PF3=EXIT.F5=UPDATE.PF9=ADDRESS. P10=PHONE 024 __________________________________________________________________________ ===> Scroll ===> CSR
Step 4: Giving Characteristics to the MAP fields.
Attributes Option.
Attributes to the above screen fields can be given using this option.
First attributes need to be created inthe attribute table and each attribute is named with A, B etc. And these can be assigned to the screen fields by giving its name below the Screen field name(For each screen field, an attribute field appears just below to that field).
DEFINE ATTRIBUTES CMAP001 3278-3 ATTRIBUTE TABLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COLUMNS 1-5 OF 5, ROW 1 OF 10 DES CUA ATTRIBUTES --------- RESULTING ATTRIBUTES COMMENT ---------------- ''' A PR BR RED SK MD PR BR RED SK MD ''' B PR BR REV W PR BR REV W ''' C PR BR BLU PR BR BLU FORMAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . POSITIONS 1-75 OF 80, LINE 1 OF 32 MARKS: V _ CO . SE | SP , CONTENTS: INITIAL 001 CUSTOMER MAINTENANCE A_____________________ B.................... C.. 002 EMP NUM: ( ) C............. D E_ D 003 ================================================================ F............................................................... 004 EMP NAME: ( ) TYPE: ( ) C............. D E________________________ D C............ D E D 005 ACCOUNT TYPE: ( ) ( ) START DATE: ( ) C............. D E D.. E___ D C... D E D.. E___ D 006 END DATE: ( ) C............. D G D.. G___ D C... D G D.. G___ D 007 LASTEST TRANSACTIONS C............. 008 (__________________________) C............. ===> Scroll ===> PAGE
Step 5: Testing the modified MAP.
Map can be tested using Option 7 in which without actually sending or receiving the map, the structure of the map can be verified here.
Once every thing looks fine , this needs to be Generated using the Option 6 of SDF main menu.
SELECT AN SDF II FUNCTION 1 PANEL EDITOR Create or modify a panel 2 PANEL GROUP EDITOR Create or modify a panel group 3 PARTITION SET EDITOR Create or modify a partition set 4 AID TABLE EDITOR Create or modify an AID table 5 CONTROL TABLE EDITOR Create or modify an operator control table 6 GENERATE Generate control block source and data structure 7 LIST OBJECTS List objects in the library 8 SPECIFY LIBRARIES Access libraries 9 UTILITIES Print, migrate, convert, construct objects 10 PROFILE Modify editing defaults R REFERENCE Obtain SDF II online reference X EXIT Terminate SDF II dialog Use PFSHOW ON/OFF to show/hide program function key assignment
Press Enter Shows the Identification screen where the MAPset needs to be given .
Press ENTER gives the options to specify the library names to store the physical and symbolic map that gets generated.
SPECIFY GENERATION PARAMETERS MAP001 OBJECT TYPE = PANEL GROUP TARGET SYSTEM = CICS/BMS Generation function DATA STRUCTURE ? . . . . N BMS MACROS ? . . . . . . Y Options for data structure LANGUAGE . . . . . . . . COBOL ASM, COBOL, PLI, RPG, C ALIGNMENT ? . . . . . . . N Ignored for C language GRAPHIC ? . . . . . . . . N DBCS panels only TRIGRAPH ? . . . . . . . N C language only SDF/CICS COMPATIBLE ? . . N COBOL language only LENGTH STATEMENT ? . . . N COBOL language only USER EXIT . . . . . . . . Output library for data structure DATASET NAME or . . . . . ''CMDS.MGR.COPY' DDNAME . . . . . . . . . Options for BMS macros DEVICE TYPE . . . . . . . * * for all devices USER EXIT . . . . . . . . Output library for BMS macros DATASET NAME or . . . . . ''CMDS.MGR.MAPS' DDNAME . . . . . . . . .
Once it is successful this map needs to be compiled and New copied into the CICS region.